job market
Make social media a part of your job search
Some view social media as an addicting time-killer, others as a communication tool lacking emotional rapport. But has it made us as a society lazy when it comes to communication skills? I don’t think so. Social media has created opportunities for connection across distances and between humans that may never have interacted otherwise! And…
Read MoreWhy companies need to support working parents
Powerful. That is the one word I would use to sum up the Georgia March of Dimes (MOD) Partnership in Parenting event I attended last week. The event focus was “How Atlanta’s Top Companies are Supporting Working Parents” and was held at the beautiful King & Spalding building. Partnership in Parenting brings together individuals…
Read MoreDon’t leave your employees out of the profitability equation
After reading the article “The New Customer: Our Greatest Assets” from Staffing Industry Analysts, it made me think about my own experience in corporate America and the staffing industry specifically. And how making an employee feel like a person and not just a number has impacted my perception. The article puts emphasis on being…
Read MoreThinking beyond the traditional four-year degree
Back-to-school season always makes me a bit nostalgic. It transports me back to the end of summer days I spent eagerly anticipating the start of a new school year. Sadly, my kids don’t always share my enthusiasm for heading back to school. Last week, talk of the new school year prompted my youngest to…
Read MoreWhat job seekers truly care about
CareerBuilder, ClearlyRated and the American Staffing Association partnered to publish the 2022 Job Candidate Study. They surveyed 1,394 job candidates, with a good mix of full-time employed, unemployed and those actively looking for a job. And put it all together in an informative webinar called “The Great Rehire and What Job Seekers Truly Care About.”…
Read MoreHot trends in tech hiring
Dice analyzed 1+ billion current and historical job postings worldwide for its annual Tech Salary Report: 2022 Edition. They also surveyed registered job seekers and site visitors between August 2021 and October 2021 to gather the trends in tech hiring. We compiled some of the highlights for you.
Read More“The Great Mismatch” continues
In mid-2021, experts talked about how “The Great Mismatch” is part of what’s driving “The Great Resignation.” This trend revealed a disconnect between employer and employee preferences, turned the job market upside down and it’s still happening. Here are some of the areas of “mismatch” per The Hartford’s 2022 Future of Benefits report.
Read MoreAre you really ready to hire?
Have you ever bought a shiny new car (dress, watch, phone, etc.) and regretted it almost immediately? You’re not alone. It’s only human to have this innate FOMO (fear of missing out) and jump into things before you’re ready. The same can be true when hiring for an open position. You may not completely…
Read MoreManage an efficient hiring process in the hottest market in decades
Last week, a colleague of mine in our Atlanta office had a candidate going on their seventh interview – yes, I said seventh – for a contract position. That’s just too many, especially in this competitive job market where you need to act fast. In this scenario, the company offered the candidate the job…
Read MoreThe challenge (and potential solution) to attract top talent
Good businesses depend on good people. Leaders across all business sectors know the importance of hiring top talent; but as the world continues to change, so do the requirements for companies to attract this talent. These changes are especially notable in the technology field.
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