Make social media a part of your job search
Some view social media as an addicting time-killer, others as a communication tool lacking emotional rapport. But has it made us as a society lazy when it comes to communication skills? I don’t think so.
Social media has created opportunities for connection across distances and between humans that may never have interacted otherwise! And the other upside to social media – using the advantages of that ability to connect to aid you in your job search.
In fact, a recent study from CareerArc and The Harris Poll said that 58% of job seekers search for information about potential employers on social media and 48% of Gen Z (ages 18-25) and Millennials (ages 26-41) with work experience have applied to job opportunities they found on social media. In addition to using social media to apply to jobs, about half of Gen Z and Millennials also use social platforms to network for the best opportunities.
Explore the power of social media in your job search! Not sure where to start? Use some of these tips I’ve discovered in my years of recruiting:
1. General guidelines.
Use your real name consistently. Don’t use your middle name as what people know you by and then put your first name on your social profile. Potential employers might do more research on you than just review your application – having an inconsistent name gets very confusing. You can try this too – just Google yourself. What comes up when you search your name and is it what you want a potential employer to see? If not, it’s okay to keep your personal social platforms private or semi-private while you’re searching for a job. But you might want to show your bio publicly and use keywords to make you findable, though.
2. Use LinkedIn to its fullest.
LinkedIn can be, by far, the most beneficial social media tool for a job search because of the nature of the platform. But SEO isn’t just for Google. Create a searchable profile by listing out your technical skills so recruiters are easily able to find you. Follow companies you’re interested in working with and connect with recruiters who focus on roles in your skill set to expand your network and “findability.”
Once you’ve applied for a job through LinkedIn, follow up with the job poster about the specific job you’re referencing, your location and resume (again) and why you think you’re a good fit for the opening. You can also send a connection request with a note to the hiring manager. But before you do, review their profile and try to make your reach out personal to them by finding a detail you relate to in their profile and calling it out in your note.
How do you write that perfect message? Be respectful of their time and keep your message short and sweet. Don’t expect an answer back from everyone. And it’s ok to send a follow-up message in a few days if you don’t get a response. Send your info upfront in your note with your resume (and work samples, depending on industry), the types of roles you’re targeting and what city you’re looking for positions in. Recruiters work on roles all over the country, so it’s helpful to know what your target markets are. If you reach out about a specific job, include a link to that posting so your recruiter knows exactly which role you’re referencing.
Throughout your interactions on LinkedIn, remember that a good job search is about building relationships, not transactional communication. When connecting with recruiters, it’s always a best practice to ask for a call to discuss your career goals or for feedback on your resume.
3. Make hashtags work for you.
Follow and utilize job search hashtags on Twitter & LinkedIn such as:
You can also try industry- or location-specific hashtags: For example, if you’re looking for an IT job, you should also follow #ITJobs or #TechJobs so that your search is catered to you. If you’re looking for roles in Atlanta, try #AtlantaJobs
4. Use social networking groups.
Leverage sites like or Facebook Groups in your area and/or your skill set to join and follow. Post your own intro and engage with other posts by commenting. Even better, attend the events they host – be it in-person or online – and get involved. Most candidates we place come from referrals, so use these sites to build relationships and network to help find your next gig.
5. Don’t underestimate the power of video.
We’ve all seen hundreds of videos of cute pets or funny blunders recorded and posted on social. But that same video platform where you find cats tied up in balls of yarn can also help in your job search as well! Use sites like Tiktok to create and post video resumes with the hashtag #TikTokResumes. There’s also #CareerTok, a career and job-related community that shares tips and advice that you can check out.
6. Show off your skills.
If you’re going for a role where work samples are helpful, don’t be afraid to show what you can do. Curate and share your work using sites like Behance,, Github, etc. Use these sites to network and connect with others as well.
Leveraging social media in all of its forms can benefit your job search, but it can be overwhelming to try to do everything at once. Like any journey, a job search starts with one step, so try adding in one thing at a time to see which social media tips work best for you and your search! And as always, a good recruiter can give personalized search advice and make a huge difference in your process – reach out to Synergis to get connected with one of our skill-set-focused IT or creative recruiters today.
About the author
Karissa Buckner serves as Recruiting Manager for Synergis where she trains and mentors an amazing team of Recruiters. She also helps them to achieve success through goal setting, accountability, tenacity and customer service. Prior to her current role, she served as a Creative Recruiter for five years, placing candidates in UX, UI, VUI and Research roles. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Georgia, graduating Magna Cum Laude. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, playing geeky board games, and watering way too many houseplants.
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