Multiple job offers? 3 steps to accepting the right one
Having multiple job offers is a good problem to have. But, this great feeling of being “in demand” can turn overwhelming quickly. Use the 3 steps below to simplify your choice and ensure you choose the right job offer.
Step 1: Determine your motives
Searching for a new job is a time investment. Take some time at the beginning of your search to write a list of reasons for looking. Better environment, opportunity to work with new technology, career growth opportunities, higher compensation, etc. are aspects to consider.
For example, say you’re looking for a new role with a stable company because your current company had been unprofitable for three years and gone through several rounds of layoffs. Now, you have two offers on the table: 1. with an established software company with a very desirable package and 2. with a startup that is offering an additional 7 percent salary over the first offer. Many job seekers would tend to lean toward the second offer simply because of the additional compensation. But, to me, it seems like accepting the offer with the startup would be like jumping from a sinking ship into an inflatable raft in uncharted waters.
Having more than one offer on the table is excellent, but in the process of comparing multiple offers, don’t lose focus on why you’re motivated to leave in the first place. Compare each offer to your current situation and see how it stacks up.
Step 2: Evaluate your interview
To evaluate your interview, you have to ask yourself the right questions. Remember that list you made? Pull it out and formulate some questions around it before going into the interview. During your interviews, don’t only ask questions about the company. Make sure the hiring manager and team answer the questions related to your motives.
This can be easier said than done and working with a recruiter can give you an advantage: They can help you form these questions and can follow up with the manager if you don’t feel like they have been answered.
For example, if you’re looking for a different work environment, don’t ask the team in your interview if they hate their job. Ask your recruiter if they have anyone working at that specific company or in a similar group that you can chat with. This individual can give you the inside scoop and some very valuable information. Utilize your recruiter!
Step 3: Tie up any loose ends
Once you have interviewed and start receiving offers, set some expectations with the people you are working with. Companies hiring are always anxious to hear back when they extend an offer, so being open about other offers and setting a specific date for an answer is the professional way to handle this situation.
Once you make a decision, inform the other companies that extended offers promptly and professionally as you never know what the future holds. You don’t want to burn any bridges that you may need to use in the future.
If you need help navigating your job search, contact us! We’d love to help you land your next job.
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